Ways to Prevent Accidents with Pedestrians

As a driver, you don’t want to ever hit a pedestrian while on the road. In addition to needing the help of a Lancaster County pedestrian accident attorney , you could also potentially end a human life. Therefore, it is relevant to know all the different ways that you can prevent an accident with a pedestrian. 1. Slow Down at Crosswalks Many people who get hit at a crosswalk will immediately request the help of a Lancaster County pedestrian accident attorney . This is because they know that they had the right-of-way. As a driver, always slow down at crosswalks to avoid a potential accident. 2. Wait for Eye Contact As a driver, it can be challenging to know whether or not a pedestrian even sees you coming towards them. If you are unsure whether or not a pedestrian sees you, slow down and wait for eye contact. Or at least some sort of visual confirmation that they know you are there. 3. Always Give them the Right-of-Way As a driver, you need to do your best to ensu...