Most Common Motorcycle Injuries | Georgelis Injury Law Firm Law

Motorcycle accidents are so common, but most people don't know the dangers. They think they are safe because they are not in a car. This is not true! Motorcycles have more fatal accidents than any other vehicle on the road. Different injuries can happen to riders and passengers, including broken bones, head trauma, spinal cord injury, organ damage, or even death. The most common type of motorcycle accident is when another vehicle turns left into you from the opposite lane. If this happens to you, you must be wearing your helmet for safety purposes and try to stay calm as much as possible after an accident like this has happened because adrenaline will make everything worse for your body afterward. Head injury Motorcycle accidents can result in a range of injuries, but the most common are head injuries. The severity of these injuries varies depending on many factors, including what part of the head was hit and how fast you were traveling when the accident occurred. Head injury is on...